I wrote a post a while back about traveling and some of the "off the grid" places we've stayed. This little place in Winnemucca, Nevada was one of two of my favorite places to stay on this trip. We stayed here one time before and it may have even been the same room. It's two blocks off the main drag and is called Scott Shady Court Motel. I wish I had snapped a pic of the room key. It was a very old style, big square looking thing. The locks on the doors are very old but sturdy.
The rooms are very small but they are clean & warm. I love old motels. It was $44 for the night. We never paid more than $48 for a room on this trip.
Before we left Richland, Gene mentioned that I should take our old coffee pot with us. I was so glad he remembered that great tip. I stuck a brand new can of coffee, filters and the old coffee pot I've been storing into a big canvas bag with handles and it was the first thing I grabbed as we settled into our rooms at night. We also took our big 12-cup thermos so I could fill it with java first thing in the morning before we set out. We went through a half-can of coffee in a week!
I thought of my mom everytime I plugged in my old coffee pot. She would have loved it that I dragged it along on this road trip. She was very sensible about such things. In fact, it was my mom who taught me to "heat up" the thermos before placing the fresh coffee in. So, before I made a fresh pot, I ran a pot of water through to pour in the thermos every morning to heat it up. This guarantees that you'll have hot coffee late in the afternoon, which is when you really need it!
This smoky little kitty was very friendly. You won't get that kind of morning greeting at Best Western, I'll tell you that! Notice the bagel cutter on the table. This motel in Ontario, Oregon had bagels & English muffins, bread for toast, every kind of little box of cold cereal you could think of, muffins, bananas, apples, orange juice, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.
The guy running this place was a jolly fellow who wore rainbow colored suspenders and he had a great sense of humor. We had called to say we were going to be a late check-in and when we arrived at 9:00 p.m. he said, "I thought you were going to be late." He informed us that late check-in is more past midnight. Who knew?
We love road traveling and as much as I'm really glad we are home, I already look forward to our next trip. If I were a betting person, I'd bet my next paycheck that we'll be seeing motel kitty again in May.
love, susan