Friday, January 18, 2013


Seems like it has been a really long week. Would you agree?
I made doctor appointments for Monday as we have the day off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I'm regretting that decision. We should be going somewhere ... anywhere.  Luckily, we have another 3 day weekend next month and it shall not be wasted on appointments.
I started "Abbie" in a canine good citizen class and we had our 2nd date with the trainer and other CGC candidates this week. We are in a super nice group of people and dogs. This experience is much different than when I took "Missy" for her CGC two years ago.  "Abbie" is much more confident and although I think "Missy" is a super smart dog, "Abbie" is a very quick learner too and it's big fun taking her even after working all day.
When I get home from work, especially with this cold weather we've been experiencing, I just wanna put my jammies on, eat til I'm overstuffed and sit in the Lazygirl chair til I pass out.  No can do on Wednesday nights! What the hell was I thinking when I signed up for this class?  No matter.  I decided to take a 30 minute nap on Wednesday before the 8 o'clock class. By the time we got home, I was ready to go for another 8 hours.  "Abbie" has that affect on people. Can you say H I G H   E N E R G Y?
This week in class, we learned how to do puppy push ups. You sit your dog and then tell them down, then sit, then down, then sit, then down.  You give them a treat at varying times during the push ups so they don't get stuck on 2 downs and an up.  Random treating. Keeps 'em guessing!  "Abbie" is game! And after an hour of a very active class, she was dog tired (love that expression!) when we got home. That's kind of rare for her.
Anyhow, it's Friday. Finally. Having a party tomorrow night at my house for about a dozen friends so will be busy picking up stuff from the store and getting ready for it. January is not my favorite month so I find things to look forward to and make the time go by. It's already the 18th, can you believe it?
love, susan 
p.s. these shots were taken in August or Sept. Oh how I miss the sun!

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1 comment:

  1. This week has gone on FOREVER. On Tuesday leaving work it seemed like a long week....i truly didn't think it would ever end.


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