Friday, February 1, 2019

I Have Ideas, Yes I Do

Second Oops, it's the first day of February already and I haven't even reviewed 2018. It seems so long ago now. That's how it is when you're almost 60. I say that a lot ... that I'm almost 60. Dang, I've been saying it since I turned 59 last May. Trying to get used to the idea, I suppose.

Today I am writing from a prompt over at Mama's Losin' It, A List of 11 Ideas to Make This Year My Best Year Ever

Turn Off the Social Media This has been a struggle for a long time. I am as addicted to scrolling FB as I am to Oreo cookies.
Slow down I've been super angry every morning as I shut the back door to the walk to my car for the trip to work. I am 4 months away from retiring and I have been wishing my time away.
Make today count My watchword for 2019 is embrace.
Really pay attention to my dogs This has been on my mind a lot lately. I can't wait to spend more time throwing the ball and loving on my babies.
Plan a road trip with a friend We're going to take a road trip to Denver some time this summer.
Read more I joined a book club and so far I've enjoyed engaging with like-minded women.
Write more It's a good idea. I've been feeling kind of blank lately.
Minimize my household This has been an ongoing process that I will continue.
Spend quality time with quality friends This is on my mind a lot. Quality. When I have less time to waste, this gets really important.
Read more blogs and leave comments I long for the day when I have time to read my favorite blogs and engage with the writers.
Eat well This is a constant battle lately. I think stress has gotten the best of me. Not a good excuse for eating poorly. I love taking my lunch to the park. I can't wait to have time to just sit and watch the squirrels and not have to watch the clock.

11 Questions for You:
How about you, do you have ideas for making 2019 your best year ever?
Do you have a favorite blog you should tell me about?
What is your favorite podcast?
Do you take Sunday drives?
How do you slow down?
Do you spend too much time on FB?
What are you reading right now?
Do you have quality friends, and how do you spend your time with them?
Is your diet healthy?
Do you write ... letters, blog, journal?
How do you make your day count?

Tell me!
love, susan


  1. So many bloggers I used to follow blog rarely anymore. Same for me after ten years. Maybe I've just slowed down too much. I do read a lot now. And never got on FB.

  2. #1 is good advice for anyone. I rarely go out there anymore and Mary is thinking of giving Facebook up for Lent. Stopping by from Mama Kat's. Hope to see you again!

    John @ The Sound of One Hand Typing

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I am looking forward to A to Z ... but I'm going to be a spectator this year.

  3. Sorry I am late with my visit - I have been out of town visiting family since Friday after work, and am just now where I can really start making my rounds. You have some great idea, too! Of course I say that, as they mirror my own. Except I'm jealous that you get to retire soon. I don't foresee ever being able to retire...but you never know! Here are my answers to your questions, and thank you so much for responding to my idea post!

    1. You already read my ideas about making this my best year yet, and they are not all that different from your own. I do want to put particular emphasis on health, simplifying, and creating, though.
    2. Like Denise, my favorite bloggers are no longer blogging, or blogging very, very sporadically. If you aren't reading The Widow Badass Blog, though, you should definitely check it out.
    3. Right now I am absolutely obsessed with Sword and Scale!
    4. No...I wish I did, but gas is expensive. I do get a good bit of a drive on Sunday when I return home from out of state visits to family, though, and that's about every month or so. So...sort of?
    5. I spend way too much time on FB; it 's where all my people have gone after abandoning their blogs.
    6. I usually take a hot bath, and lay down to watch something on Netflix. That's usually all it takes!
    7. I am reading The Fiery Cross right now. I picked it up a few years ago and started it, then had to re-start it after getting off track with my reading. But now I'm trying to stay ahead of the Outlander tv series, so I'm back at it!
    8. I do have quality friends, but sadly none nearby. One of my goals was to get out and meet more people and take better advantage of local events, so perhaps I'll meet more people here soon!
    9. It's mostly horrible punctuated by a good meal or snack. I'm trying to turn that around, but I lack willpower.
    10. I blog, and I send out holiday cards most years, but that's it. And my penmanship has suffered.
    11. I go to work, where I provide for myself, then I come home and spend time with my family, some of whom still live with me, and love on my dogs. Then I indulge in a bit of self-care and have started meditating, focusing on the law of attraction and adjusting my thoughts and vibes accordingly, and making a conscious effort to work on goals.


    1. Thanks for dropping in! Oh, I'm going to check out that Podcast. Never heard of it but I love a good obsession!


You Made My Day, Dude!

A couple weeks ago while I was driving back to Portland after spending the night on the Oregon coast, we came up on some road construction ...