Looking Out My Window It is 6:20am and almost light. Cloudy but no snow.
As I Ponder The weekend was fun. We drove over to Roslyn, Washington to meet up for lunch with family we haven't seen in 10 years. It was a joyful day and it did my heart good. My ex-sister-in-law (I hate calling her ex) has a beautiful family and her daughter and three sons joined us. I'm still smiling about it. I'm glad we made that happen. It was exactly half-way for us to meet.
What I'm Learning Well, as I promised myself I would do, I took a good nap yesterday when I felt like it. It was a struggle with the voices in my head that said I should be doing something productive. I need to keep practicing this self-care thing.
What I'm Creating I've been going through a huge pile old Cook's Country magazines that I picked up at a book sale a couple of months ago. I like to tear out recipes that maybe I'll try.
What I'm Reading I'm almost done with Settle for More by Megyn Kelly. I've been too busy to read so I'm hoping to finish it this week and start a new one. Next up: Insomnia by Stephen King
What I'm Watching I watched America's Sweethearts yesterday on Amazon Prime. I love John Cusak but wasn't crazy about him in this movie. I'm also still watching Shameless on Netflix. There was a particularly disturbing episode where the mom attempts suicide on Thanksgiving. It was true drama that caused me to pause and really look at this show differently. It is dealing with every kind of dysfunction known to man. I'm hooked!
What I'm Hearing I've got one whining dog who is never happy. She wants out, then she wants in. Irritable, restless and discontent best describe her.
What's Happening in My Kitchen I'm gearing up for the D.A.S.H. diet this week. Hard boiled eggs, salad, grilled chicken, hummus, yellow and red peppers, almonds, non-fat yogurt, and sugar free jello.
A Quote I Want to Share From Megyn Kelly's book Settle for More: "Our priest is Father Jonathan Morris, who is on Fox News sometimes. He's supportive, thoughtful, and good-looking. So handsome, in fact, that his nickname around the studio is Father What-a-Waste (God forgive us)."
A Peek Into My Week I think dog class starts back up on Wednesday. We've been trying to get a 6 week class done since December but the weather has cancelled all but 3 or 4 classes. So we're going to give it a go this week. Other than that, I'm going to focus on getting some steps on my FitBit.
love, susan