Monday, March 5, 2018

March On: A Life List

Monday, March 5 ...The temps this week are encouraging in this area. We'll go from 55 to 62 on Sunday. This makes for a happy me.  My Favorite Moment Last Week Oh, I had lots of them. I moved all my stuff to my new desk at work and cleaned off my old desk in anticipation of a new person starting today. Once I had it cleaned off, I thought "wow, what a nice work space!" My new office is small and I often eat lunch at my desk but there is simply no room to do that. This will force me to get away for an hour every day. I also had an epiphany about part of my new duties. I get to thoroughly read criminal police reports in my role as a part-time public records person. Dream job! Getting paid to read true crime. I'm not looking forward to the sexual assault cases but give me a homicide and I'm hooked, word for word. Right now I am in the middle of reviewing a crime from 1984 ... back when transcripts were printed on onion paper. My tactile senses are going crazy! What is right in the world is that we are emerging from a long, gray winter and spending more time outdoors. We took two road trips this weekend and it did my heart good to take in the sunshine and blue skies. What I'm resisting is sugar. We went to a spaghetti feed Saturday night and my hubby thought it was sweet to tell me there were chocolate covered cherries on the dessert table. Up until then, I was doing fine and then one ended up in front of me. Well, about 8 (could have been more) chocolate covered cherries later I think he may finally understand my sugar addiction. I'm not blaming him. I got right back on track yesterday and attended another potluck last night. I took a big container of cottage cheese and loaded up my plate with salad to go with it. Resistance is mine. What I'm thinking is that I have a super busy week ahead of me with training a new person. I'm going to need to stay on top of my energy level and keep a good attitude. What's on my camera makes me happy. Getting outdoors over the weekend makes me want more outside time. We saw probably 200 deer on our road trip to Heppner, Oregon on Saturday afternoon. Our friend who drove said the full moon keeps the deer out eating all night due to the full light. The future holds a very busy couple of weeks getting our new person trained at work.  I am learning new job skills and my head may explode. I am weirdly excited about this. Finally, if this was my last day on earth I want to tell you that it's all going to be okay. I've been reading a lot of garbage posts on FB but also some encouraging articles about the political climate. Our future is in the hands of the young people and we can only hope they keep rising up. Do not be discouraged. love, susan

1 comment:

  1. What a uplifting post today! I love your last paragraph! Good for the young people. And for chocolate covered cherries!


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