Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Free (A to Z Blogging Challenge)

Who doesn't love free? I was talking with a friend last night and the conversation was a great inspiration for this post. When asked what she'd been up to she said she's been trying to have fun without spending money. Great conversation starter and we briefly talked about ways to find free things to do.  If you are in the money saving mode, I hope this list will give you some creative ideas and my greatest hope is that you'll leave me a comment with your creative ideas for doing free stuff. Once in awhile my son and beautiful daughter-in-law go on a 3 month hiatus from spending. The rules are no purchases outside of groceries, gas and monthly bills. If you think about it, most of us have everything we need. My favorite thing in the world is to do or see something different in my off time and if I can do it for free, even better!
Go for a walk. 
Call a friend.
Take a drive, if you have gas to burn!
Take your own coffee.
Go for a picnic lunch.
Make some art.
Write a blog post.
Write a letter to someone.
Sort through old photos and make an album.
Clean a closet.
Go shoot some photos.
Brush your dog.
Rearrange the furniture.
Visit a park you've never been to.
Cook something fabulous.
Try a new recipe.
Visit your downtown area, park and take a walk.
Window shop.
Bird watch.
Check your local newspaper for free weekend events.
Visit a friend.
Shoot some photos.
Make your bed.
This is a short list.  What would you add to it?
love, susan


  1. "If it's free, it's for me!" -- I love getting free stuff! I like going to outdoor festivals when the weather is nice. You can walk around, talk to people, see new things, discover new art forms and have a genuinely nice time without spending a dime. I like to take my dogs for a ride in the country or a walk in the park. And the local paper always lists things to do for free. So many community events are free. I like going to see authors speak when they do book-signings at the local bookstore. Some people complain that it takes money to have fun. It's just not true! Good word, free. And it's a state of mind I aspire to -- I love to feel free and be free, uninhibited.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. This is fun and funny Susan! Many of them you listed aren't very fun though, they are actually chores. And some cost quite a bit after the fact, like photography, unless you only download them. Face it, almost everything in life cost something, even buying the newspaper to find the weekend events, but still minimal. Making your own coffee saves you money, but it still isn't "free."

    I have begun to do many of these things since I've been living on a minimal income, and at the moment NO income, such as making my own coffee, trying new recipes with some successes and some failures, Now that I am home all day I am just naturally doing many of those on your list, but other than spending gas money I would add:

    Spend time with your grandchild(ren)
    Go to a free festival (if you can resist buying the food)
    (the following requires no gas, but does require internet access):
    Get involved in online community social support groups
    Become a mentor (online)
    Volunteer at your favorite organization (internet required the way signing up for volunteering works these days)
    (the following does not require gas or internet!)
    Sit outside enjoying the fresh morning air
    Play with your cats

    I love your blog and ideas.... someday I'll let you help me start one. Maybe very soon!!


    1. Hey, Teri, I'd love for you write a "guest" post on my blog. And yes, some of these free ideas are "chores" but what I've found out about myself is that when I'm doing busy, mindless work I come up with some of my best creative ideas. This post was written in about 10 spare minutes this morning. Perhaps I'll have time to elaborate on this list ... and certainly you have given me food for thought about what is truly FREE! Susan

  3. Good idea. We spend way too much money. Your son and d-i-l have a great idea to hold down the cash outflow!

  4. Great post. We rent books and movies from the library for free. My daughter loves to have tea parties with her friends and their dolls, the moms come and join in and it is a fabulous free afternoon with water and tea in fancy cups.
    I take the boys to the park and we make up games. Who can find the most creative way to swing, climb the jungle gym, make the oddest obstacle course with the items in the park. My son and his friends who complained that the stuff in the park was for babies now ask to go to the park.

    1. Ahhh, tea parties!!! I love that idea! I'll bet there is a lot of wonderful conversation during to times. I'm envious.

  5. I loved this post. I write letters often. I try to support the USPS... and the old fashion handwritten letter is fading away, I'm afraid. You might add, learn to crochet or knit (although knitting is one thing I just can't grasp). I like to make sun tea and plant flowers and veggies from seed and then track their progress with pictures. At the end of the season, I collect the seeds and if there are enough, share them with friends in the letters I write, and plant them the following year. So many options. Thanks for sharing a great list. My cat likes to be brushed, but I think it's because he (who is really a she) thinks he's a puppy. (Yes, I tell her she is a boy puppy.)

  6. What a great choice for the letter F, and what a great list! Like Kat, I get books and movies from the library. (In fact, my husband is picking up a DVD from the library tonight that I hope to write a review for next week's letter "L").

    For some creative "free" time, I like staring out the window, resting (ideas kick in when my body relaxes), and coloring (or doodling with colored pencils).

  7. THREE MONTHS without spending?? I couldn't see myself being able to do that! There'd always be a concert or a sporting event or something, or I might be out and need to buy lunch... I do improv classes as well, that costs money :P

  8. I LOVE "free". My favorite saying is " if it's free, it's for me'!


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