OUTSIDE MY WINDOW ... Clear blue skies here in Eastern Washington. Temp numbers this week are impressive: 95, 98, 94, 93, and 99. Not sure we've hit 100° yet this summer and quite possibly won't.
PONDERING ... I learned a valuable lesson at dog class Monday night. There is such a thing called "extinction burst", which my dog exhibits on a regular basis. The short of it is that if she doesn't get what she wants with her bad behavior, she amps up the behavior until it works for her. Kind of like children do when they are not getting their way. I always give in to it because a) she is very annoying, b) it is extremely embarrassing behavior, c) I didn't know better. I am very excited to put to the test the things I learned at class. If you have small children with behavior problems, you might be interested in doing a little research on extinction burst. I'm no expert but I can see where it is a match of wits and who is going to win. Give me a challenge any day of the week!
WATCHING ... While dog sitting last weekend, I started watching Orange is the New Black. I know I am late to the game watching this series but I have a personal rule that I will only watch one series at a time. I am into the second season now. I like the characters and how the series goes back to where these prison women came from, how they got there. It has heart.
PODCASTS ... My favorite story this week has been on Alec Baldwin's Here's the Thing and his interview with reporter Julie Brown regarding the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. It will make you shake your head and wonder how such atrocities toward young girls was allowed to go on so long. If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now ... I love Alec Baldwin's interview skills. He's got a great voice and if he is opinionated about something, he doesn't force it in your ears. I also really like this episode on Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations When You Know Better, You Do Better. It was a good one.
EATING ... So, I am starting a challenge beginning tomorrow for the entire month of August to eat oatmeal for breakfast every single day. You may think this is extreme but it really isn't. Oatmeal is almost a perfect food, in my opinion and research. One of my doctors practically begged me years ago to start eating oatmeal to help lower my cholesterol. I'm there now. Wanna join me in this challenge?
THIS WEEK ... This is the first day I've really been home since last Wednesday. I have zero on my calendar for the rest of this week but plenty of things to do. It's only 10:30am as I write this and I already have my 10K steps on my Fitbit. The plumber came yesterday and fixed a problem in our kitchen and now I am able to use my dishwasher for the first time in about 7 years. We're attending a celebration of life on Saturday for a mutual friend of many. I typically don't go to such events but after talking with my travel buddy extensively about attending funerals and celebrations of life, I will go with a different mindset. I like the idea of laughing and hugging with our many mutual friends. I want to go on record right here, right now that I don't want a service or celebration of life when I die, okay? Go take a Sunday in my honor. That's what I'd want. Just sayin'.

EMBRACING ... One of my tribe asked me why I walk so fast (in dog training). I quipped that I am 60 years old and I got stuff to do before I die. She thinks I should slow down a titch, especially when my dog is at the end of my lead. This is not easy for me but I'm going to try to embrace that feedback and see if it serves me to take it down a notch. I'll get back to you on that.
“When someone shows you who they are,
believe them the first time.”
love, susan―