Thursday, December 27, 2018

New Products

I recently visited with a friend who happens to have one of those fancy-schmansy espresso machines. She uses a bean that is indescribably great. When she put a can of this stuff in front of me with a spoon, I asked her how she got it to fluff up so much. No, no, Susan ... I just took the lid off the can. She told me where she bought it and I made a special trip to stock up on this yumminess. (Note: I am still trying to get off the dairy products and have been less than successful. Maybe this product will be my answer.)
I love finding new-to-me products. Granted, I have used lots of coconut cream out of a can but this one is far superior to the those I have been buying. Coffee beans from her supplier are on the way, too. I hope it all tastes as good as it did at her house.

When I was working out at Hanford, I had lunch with a group of women who were always buying new products (mostly crackers) and bringing them to share at lunch. Man, I got a lot of good ideas from them.

Got a product you love that you'd like to share with us? Please leave a comment with something you've tried recently that you're crazy about.

love, susan

1 comment:

  1. I'm super in love with my new shampoo bar ( I've been using it for two months and my hair feels great! Plus, zero packaging!


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