My Favorite Moment from Last Week It was a hard week and I barely remember it but one thing that I will never forget is sitting in court on Friday, listening to the husband of a woman who was senselessly murdered a year and a half ago talk about how it has affected his life. They had been married for 30 years. Frankly, I don't know how he was able to sit in the same room as the woman who murdered the love of his life. There are some things in this life I will never be able to wrap my mind around and one of them is the cold bloodedness of some souls. There was a detective sitting directly in front of me who was reduced to tears as the victim's husband spoke. Sitting there reminded me of our life's work and the dedication of the team I am privileged to work with very day. I don't want to call it pride, that seems self-indulgent. More so, when I hear victims talking I feel a sense of duty to do show up and do my best for my small part in the process of justice. The murderess will spend all her remaining days behind bars. My favorite moment was when the judge said he didn't have any discretion in the sentence and that frankly he wouldn't grant it even if he had it. Justice served.
What's Right in the (My) World The hubby is actively looking online at properties in Arizona. Don't get your water hot about it though. We've been through this process before, it could take a long time to find the right place. And, we could change our minds. Been there, done that. That's the beauty of thinking things through.
What I'm Resisting For those who don't know, resist is my word for 2018. What I'm resisting currently is .... hmmm ... I don't know. I'll have to think on that. Complacency maybe?
What's On My Camera I did some head shots on Saturday for a friend's son who is a young teen wanting to maybe get into the modeling business. I'm not a professional photographer and they know that but they trusted me to do my best. That was fun!
What My Future Holds Tonight we're having dinner with a very good friend who lives in Portland. She travels over here about once a year and it's fun to catch up with her. Tacos tomorrow night with T. Work, eat, sleep, repeat.
If This is My Last Day, Here is My Final Thought I think people should do more reunions instead of getting together at funerals. I hate funerals so much. We're planning a big gathering in July which will be held in Fairbanks. I am thrilled to pieces we planned it far enough out that people I've never met before will be there. My birthday is in May and I always hold a bbq in the park for it. I would much rather see people on a happy day than a sad one. That's all.
love, susan