Move is my theme word for 2017. I choose a new theme word at the beginning of each new year. My words in the past have been minimize, develop, create, and improve. I think all of these words have helped me shape a plan for the new year. I need to physically move more. After giving it much thought, my plan is simple. I need to walk more, add steps to my day. I can do this.
Here are a few more ideas from the definition of the word 'move'. If you are reading this, I hope it gives you a little inspiration. love, susan
verb (used without object), moved, moving.
1. to pass from one place or position to another.
2. to go from one place of residence to another:
3. to advance or progress: The red racing car moved into the lead.
5. to sell or be sold: That new model is moving well.
6. to start off or leave: It's time to be moving.
7. to transfer a piece in a game, as chess or checkers.
8. (of the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces; evacuate.
9. to be active in a particular sphere: to move in musical society.
10. to take action; proceed.
11. to make a formal request, application, or proposal: to move for a new trial.
verb (used with object), moved, moving.
12. to change from one place or position to another.
14. to prompt, actuate, or impel to some action: What moved you to do this?
15. to arouse or excite the feelings or passions of; affect with emotion (usually followed by to): to move someone to anger.
16. to affect with tender or compassionate emotion; touch
17. to transfer (a piece in a game) from one position to another.
18. to dispose of (goods) by sale.
19. to cause (the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces.
20. to propose formally, as to a court or judge, or for consideration by a deliberative assembly.
21. to submit a formal request or proposal to (a court, a sovereign, etc.).
23. a change of location or residence.
24. an action toward an objective or goal; step: a move toward a higher tax.
25. (in chess, checkers, etc.) a player's right or turn to make a play.
26. a play or maneuver, as in a game or sport.
27. move in, to begin to occupy a place in which to live or work.
28. move in on, Informal.
29. move on, to approach or attack as a military target: The army is moving on the capital itself.
30. move out, to leave a place in order to start or continue a planned march, maneuver, journey, etc.: The troops will move out of the encampment at dawn.
31. move over, to change or cause to change to another position, especially to make room for another: to make space by moving over.
32. move up, to advance to a higher level.
33. get a move on, Informal. to begin; act: We'd better get a move on before it rains.34. make one's move, Informal. to act, especially to assert oneself at an opportune time.
35. on the move, busy; active: on the move from morning till night.36. put moves on, Slang. to make sexual advances toward. Also, make a move on.
I like your theme word! I need more physical movement too. With my 2017 theme word (Discover), it includes discovering new ways and places to exercise.
ReplyDeleteThat's a wonderful choice for 2017. A great motivator to keep doing and pushing forward. I really like it. I never would have thought of it. I like choosing words too instead of picking resolutions. I hope that in 2017 you keep moving :)
ReplyDeleteGood Word choice. Activity is always healthy.
ReplyDeleteYour word is fantastic! It covers everything! I definitely need a reminder to move, especially on long days spent staring at my computer.