Saturday, September 29, 2012

Up Up and Away (Saturday Upside)

We hit the ground running this morning and by 4:30a.m. I had my second load of laundry washing and oatmeal bars baking in the oven along with a pot of coffee brewing. Shortly thereafter we headed out to Prosser for the annual balloon festival.  We made it in time to find a spot to park and watch as the balloon people filled their colorful nylon beauties with hot air.
It is something you should not miss if you ever get a chance to see it. We first watched the launching of balloons when we lived in Arizona. Once we saw it done, we have looked forward to each time we have a chance to go. There is something really happy and magical about the process. The people who show up for balloon festivals are just about the happiest people I've ever seen. You have to really want to be there to get up so early and go.  I always get a little giddy as all the balloons start filling up. I'm still amazed at how quickly it happens. They seem so close together when they are on the ground but it makes no matter. The balloon people are polite and patient as they wait their turn to let go of rope and half-dozen people holding the balloon from reaching its potential.
This year, we made our way over to the river so we could see them drop down and give photographers great shots of them catching a reflection in the water. There is still a lot of smoke in the air from the Ellensburg fires so my shot is kind of murky. I couldn't count how many balloons went up but my best guess is 40. Crazy, huh?
After that excitement, we decided to take a trip to the Humane Society as my friend who came with us wanted to know where the new shelter was located. My husband suggested we just go there. What a great guy! On the way, I told them there was  dog show this weekend so we dropped by to see what was happening there. Cute pooches E V E R Y W H E R E ! This coonhound wanted to sniff my camera.  After watching a little obedience and rally, we headed to the Human Society to oogle over some cats & dogs.
It's been a GREAT day and it's only noon!

love, susan

Thanks to for the great
idea of posting a Saturday "upside". Everyday has its upsides!




  1. Thanks for joining! Ahhahaha I love the up-close nose picture!


  2. I absolutely love the photo with the balloons over the water. That is certainly worthy of being framed!

    Your comment about needing to *really* want to be there since it's so early in the morning reminded me of a story... Every year during Homecoming, NAU has a tradition called "Tequila Sunrise." Basically, all of the students who are of age traipse down to the bars at sunrise in order to start of the festivities. J and I thought we would go during our senior year. He came over to my place at 5AM in order to head out with me. I was so exhausted that I crawled back into bed and told him to wake me up in 30 minutes. Well, thirty minutes came and I told him, "I don't like tequila and I DON'T like sunrise." Needless to say, we didn't end up going.

    I'm still not a morning person, but at least I'm at peace with that fact now. :)

    Love you!

  3. Nothing puts a smile on my face faster than ballooning :)


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