Monday, February 13, 2012

I Love Taking Pictures (February Love Series)

I forgot all about this photo in my gazillion files. Gene recently moved most of my collection from my old, virus infected computer to a temporary home in a great little laptop our friend Bob gave us. I shot this pic one day while our grandson was visiting for a week. I had never done a panoramic with people in it before. Here's how you do it:

Put your people in the first shot. Move your camera to the right and have your people move and make sure they do a different pose, and then do it again if you are snapping 3 frames to "stitch" together. My camera automatically stitches the photos together and I'm sure it works that way with most digital cameras.
I liked the way this one turned out and I'm glad I found it. It gives me ideas for future panos!

What's your favorite photo technique?

love, susan


  1. My friend and I did this on a camping trip that included some of the most scenic National Parks in Utah and AZ, including the Grand Canyon. This was back in the good ol' film days of course. My tripod had a scale at the neck that allowed you to set up panoramics depending on what lens you were using. I had to manually tape together the pictures of course, but I still have the negs somewhere and have the software to do it on the computer. One of these days!

    1. I cannot even imagine trying this the old fashioned way!!!

  2. I have enough trouble just remembering to take photos and then it either is good or not good, depending on whether I remember to concentrate enough so my hands won't shake while I'm trying to remember where the button is that I'm supposed to push!! LOL Great picture and thank you for the instructions on how to do it.

  3. I've never done this technique, but I just recently learned about the website "Dear Photograph" where people take an old photograph and return to the scene where they take a picture holding the vintage photo in the new picture. Hmm... I don't think I explained it very well, but it's really neat and nostalgic. Check it out!

    1. Oh my gosh, that site just made me cry!!! Thanks so much for pointing me there. I will have to take out my old photos and try that the next opportunity I get.

    2. Now my brains swirling too... thinking of my old photos and the various locations. If you do get that opportunity, I hope you'll share the photos!

  4. I've done this before. Very fun photo!

    Another thing I've done, when I'm out with a bunch of friends, but don't have my tripod for a group shot is to pose everyone, take a photo, and then hand the camera off to the person on the end of the group and have them take the photo, while I go to the OTHER end of the group. Then, in Photoshop, I add myself into the photo (or the other person) to have a complete group. :)


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