Friday, June 20, 2014

I Need Therapy

Zucchini or cucumber?
For having a black thumb, things are starting to bloom at my place and I love it.
Gardening is my least favorite thing to do. I pretty much suck at it. However, I am still trying to do a little of it every summer because I do enjoy the process.  Those summers when I have elected not to garden, I always regret it. It's kind of like when someone at work orders Tupperware and I decide to not order and then I'm super envious when the order comes in and I am sitting there empty-handed.  I need a shrink, I know.
Well, that's how it is with gardening. I don't want to be empty-handed when fall rolls around and everyone around me is showing off the fruits of their labor, not that I'll have a whole lot to show off.
Cucumber or zucchini?
I'm such a bad gardener that I don't even know what I have growing besides the tomatoes and peppers. I think this might be a cucumber but I would not bet my life on it. What is wrong with me? 
I had a therapist/friend once who said that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their garden.  I say, you went to school for 6 years to come up with that diagnoses?  Really?  (insert crazy Jack Nicholson laugh here) Obviously, her words resonated something in me because of all the things I could remember about her, this is the one thing that stands out. Yes, Rose, I'm a little disorganized in the gardening department. Commit me, please. I could use the rest. They let you read books in the mental institution, don't they?
I'm just making a little fun of myself this morning. It's Friday. It has been a very long week and I just want to stay home and watch my mystery garden grow. Is that crazy?

love, susan


  1. I hear you, Mom. Our garden is starting to get a little out of control. I had to read up and watch videos on how to prune tomato plants. Hopefully I won't kill them. I think that if stuff is growing you're doing something right, even if you don't have a clue about what you're growing right now. Love you!

  2. Fun! Send me some pictures of your garden!

  3. you are not crazy if you admit your funny faults. When you harvest just a small tomato and put it in your salad there is a nice ahhh feeling of growing it yourself. zuke ..growing here fast. tons of tomatoes. And peas climbing up the fence. No corn this year. Nancy

  4. LOL I was just having this debate with my garden! I've got 3 things I have no idea what they are. I planted them side by side and so thought I'd remember but nope no clue which are cucumbers and which are squash or watermelon. lol Glad I'm not alone!

  5. Not crazy at all! I love the idea of a mystery garden! What fun awaits you when the time comes that it produces it's fruit (veggie). I'm like you though with gardening. Not into it at all! I do flowers because I like my yard to look pretty but sometimes the work it requires overwhelms me, especially in the disgusting heat of Texas summers. I have friends that get up in the morning and get out in their flower gardens and work all day, all weekend. I envy their passion but I guess my passions lie elsewhere. Can't wait to hear about your harvest Susan!


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