Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Retirement Dreams

I rarely delete photos. This one did not make the cut from my shoot on Saturday with the king and queen of the homecoming dance. The subjects are fuzzy, however, I couldn't bring myself to delete it. Here is why. 
Do you see the message here?
"Look forward to planning your next event."
Retirement has recently made an appearance on my radar. It happened while on that trip to Montana with my high school buddy in September. She has no idea what can of worms she opened when she asked me, "Susan, when are you going to retire?" It was an innocent question. Honestly, I've really never given it more than 2 seconds thought because I have not considered myself retirement material. My party line is: I'm a much better person when I'm on a work schedule. Sick, I know.  She reminded me that because I had worked in the state system long enough to vest, that I am eligible for 100% paid medical at age 60.  You say what?
I called the peeps in Alaska and heard it from the horse's mouth that, yes, I do indeed qualify to retire. I have a little paperwork to gather up and a few bucks to pay for a break in service but those are minor details.
DREAMS?  I cannot think of anything else these days.  In a phone call to my son last weekend I told him I finally have a 5 year plan.  Have you ever had anyone ask you what your five year plan is?  I've always hated that question in an interview.  Geezus, I don't know what I'm doing next month. Five years? I'm not that girl.  My son, on the other hand, says he thinks about retirement all the time.  Good man!

So, I wanna know.  Do you have dreams? Do you have a 5 year plan?  Tell me about it!

love, susan


  1. Thankfully your son thinks about retirement because his wife is too worried about finding a job to consider what the next five years will hold. He is really aiming to have us in a position with the *option* to retire at 50. I'm not sure what that'll look like, but I trust him.

  2. My #1 piece of advice for "young people", i.e., 20 some things, is to think about retirement!! Had I taken my own advice, I could have started working for the state when I first moved to Juneau. I would then be Tier I and would have been eligible to retire at age 55. That lapse in judgment cost me 5 more years of working. Oh well. I'm more concerned with 60 being too young to retire, Suze Orman insists you should be at least 62. And for me to get my entire 30 years in with the state I'd have 6.5 more years to go. Don't think I can do that!! Suze would probably say I need to though. At any rate, my 5 year plan is the same as your Susan!! And I don't want to wish these critical years away because I don't want to be 60 years of age one day sooner than I have to!


You Made My Day, Dude!

A couple weeks ago while I was driving back to Portland after spending the night on the Oregon coast, we came up on some road construction ...